How to fetch GitHub API with vuejs

Photo by Richy Great on Unsplash

How to fetch GitHub API with vuejs

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Set up a Vue.js project

  • To create a new Vue.js project, you can use the Vue CLI command line interface

  • Install Vue CLI by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g @vue/cli

Create a new Vue.js project by running the following command;

vue create my-project

  • Follow the prompts to choose the options for your project (e.g., Babel, ESLint, etc.)
  1. Create a component to fetch and display repositories

    • Create a new component file (e.g., Repositories.vue) in the src/components directory

    • In the component file, define a data object with an empty array for the repositories, and a currentPage variable to keep track of the current page number

    <div v-for="repo in repositories" :key="">
      <h2>{{ }}</h2>
      <p>{{ repo.description }}</p>
      <p>Language: {{ repo.language }}</p>
    <button @click="loadMore">Load more</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      repositories: [],
      currentPage: 1,

  methods: {
    loadMore() {

    fetchRepositories() {
      const accessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
      const username = "octocat";
      const perPage = 10;
      const url = `${username}/repos?per_page=${perPage}&page=${this.currentPage}`;

      fetch(url, {
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((data) => {

  mounted() {
  • In the fetchRepositories method, we use fetch() to make an API request to the GitHub API, passing in the current page number and number of items per page

    • We then append the fetched repositories to the repositories array using the spread operator

    • We also define a loadMore method that increments the currentPage variable and calls fetchRepositories again to load the next page of repositories

    • Finally, we call fetchRepositories in the mounted hook to load the initial page of repositories

  • Use the component in your Vue.js app

    • In your main Vue.js app (App.vue), import the Repositories component and use it in the template:



<Repositories />




import Repositories from "./components/Repositories.vue";

export default {

components: { Repositories, },



  • This code displays the first 10 repositories of the user "octocat" and a "Load more" button that fetches the next page of repositories when clicked

  • The axios library is used to make an HTTP GET request to the GitHub API with the appropriate query parameters and headers

  • The fetched repository data is stored in the repos array in the component's data object

  • The loadMore method updates the page parameter and fetches the next page of repositories

  1. Displaying repository details on a separate page

    • Once we have fetched the repository data from the API, we can create a new Vue.js component to display the repository details on a separate page

    • We can use Vue Router to create a new route for the repository details page

    • We can pass the repository data as props to the repository details component

    • For example, the following code creates a new RepoDetails component that displays the details of a single

Style the component

  • You can add styles to the Repositories component by adding a <style> section to the component file

  • For example, the following CSS styles the repository cards and the "Load more" button: